Athens and Sparta 

Athens and Sparta were the two most powerful city states in Ancient Greece. Despite exisitng simultaneously in the same time period, there were many distinct differences between the two societies. These differences were evident in their opposing forms of government, their divergent views on military training and culture, and even in general aspects of everyday life.


Athenian and Spartan Women 

One of the key differences between the social order of Athens compared to that of Sparta were the expectations of women. Athenian women were required to be skilled in numerous domestic skills, spent the majority of their time in the home, and were generally not needed for physical work or activity. Alternatively, Spartan women spent alot more time out of the home, recieving an education and engaging in compulsory physical training in order to ensure they were strong enough for childbirth.


The following interactive activity compares the lives of Spartans and Athenians. Drag the Spartan and Athenian women into the boxes to view a comparison of their lives to gain an understanding of what it was like to be a woman in each of the two city-states.


Watch this video for a fun and engaging interpretation of wives roles within Ancient Sparta and Ancient Athens.